We all watched WWDC 2016 with anticipation of what new things Apple might be releasing this year. Below is our summary of notable new developments that we can take advantage of and clients should be aware of for future projects. Apple WatchWatch…

We all watched WWDC 2016 with anticipation of what new things Apple might be releasing this year. Below is our summary of notable new developments that we can take advantage of and clients should be aware of for future projects. Apple WatchWatch…
Last night (GMT) Apple put on it’s WWDC 2016 event, and as always we were watching with eagle eyes to see what new features and innovations Apple is planning to release this autumn. One of the featured demos for the newly…
Apple has made some pretty big strides of late with its operating systems and their integrations with each other. But there are still a few daily niggles that cause friction. One of those niggles for me is clipboard management. There…
Find my Friends is a really great idea and it’s baked right into iOS, the problem is the experience could be so much better, and it’s so hidden that nobody really knows it exists. Most confusing of all is that…
My impressions following an Apple Watch try-on appointment. Style is more important than you think. As a User Experience Design Agency we are expected to be able to design for any interactive medium. Right now we’re working on an app…
Updates since post was first published I have switched primary browsers many times over the years for various reasons on my Macs, mostly due to speed of use and customisation via plugins offered. I started with IE in then changed…
I wish if I emptied the dock on iOS of icons it disappeared. Returning once you re-entered rearrange mode and dragged an icon towards the bottom of the screen. On my iPad at least I rarely use the apps on…
I updated to iOS8 yesterday. Several weeks prior I had deleted the Apple Podcast app from my device; previously an optional download in iOS7. But since the release of Marco Arment’s much superior Overcast app I had fully migrated and decided…
I’ve been thinking about this more recently, following my musings last year on the subject, and have been wondering how Apple can improve the Apple TV beyond simply offering more content, adding an app store and enabling TV gaming. Here…
The Tech Industry consensus is that we will see a larger screen iPhone in the fall of 2014. Having seen many concepts over the months and years, we’ll look at a collection to gauge what enthusiastic product designers and industry…