We were sat across a boardroom table fielding questions from our potential new client a couple of weeks ago, when we were thrown the following role reversal question:
“If you were in our shoes, how would you choose the right UX agency to work with?”
Naturally we’ve been on the receiving end of a lot of tricky questions as part of the sales process with new clients – so we like to think we come prepared. Why are clients finding it difficult to choose?

User Experience agencies are homogeneous on the surface
We understand that it’s hard to tell most UX agencies apart. For one, we’re all built from similar foundations – immerse yourself in your user’s world, learn from their habits and goals, and design a journey that merges your customer’s ideals with the organisation’s.
When you’re faced with twenty shortlisted agencies echoing the same thing – reinforced with compelling case studies, it can be difficult to find the discerning qualities that will make for a successful relationship. What can we recommend?
The Small Engagement
When a client is struggling to make a decision to go ahead with a project, we often recommend that we begin proceedings with a small engagement.
Our larger projects begin with half or full-day workshops that are designed to get stakeholders in a room with us to share ideas, break down a problem space, and decide our best plan of action.
Workshops can include:
- Rapid Prototyping (on paper!)
- Value Proposition Design
- User Journey Mapping
- IA Audits…
These short sessions are a great way to get a feel for how compatible you are with the agency in front of you. You need to know you can build a personal connection to your chosen agency, so getting a sense for how well you collaborate is key.
Book a workshop with EveryInteraction
Not only will you come away with some really helpful deliverables and new ideas, but you’ll also be able to contrast your experience with each agency. Hope this helps you reduce your shortlist!