Every Interaction is merged into the Cohaesus Group

Cohaesus Group kicks off its ambitious growth plans by bringing UX brand Every Interaction into the fold.

April 20, 2021 – Cohaesus Group announced today that it has acquired UX design specialists Every Interaction, with a view to creating an esteemed practitioner brand that will sit alongside its flagship agency, Cohaesus.

Cohaesus creates digital experiences for organisations striving to make meaningful change. It has evolved from a white label technology business to a direct to client strategic and experience consultancy, dedicated to building long term partnerships with clients including Battersea, National Grid, GS1 UK, and Tate.

Every Interaction’s reputation for excellence in user experience and user interface design, and its commitment to design craftsmanship, make it a great fit for the Cohaesus Group, and a robust platform from which to grow a practitioner brand that will champion standards in the industry.

This is the first of a number of acquisitions the Group seeks to make as it grows its network of specialist agencies and broadens its capabilities to service the evolving needs of its clients.

Group CEO, Richard Bundock, said “In a world where customers are online more than ever and expect everything to just work, brands need to focus on taking the friction out of their digital experiences. We’ve always been big fans of Every Interaction and the resources they’ve provided to the UX community and we’re excited to build on the brand. It’s the first step in achieving our ambition to build a network of complementary businesses committed to driving digital change.”

For more information, please contact richard@cohaesus.co.uk 


Uncategorized May 25th 2021

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