In a world obsessed with using words like “market”, “user”, and “buyer” to refer to the people we affect with our businesses, a lot of the people in the trenches within these companies suddenly find themselves completely separate from the…
What we’re reading
To help us remain up to date on goings on in the digital design and technology industry we read A LOT here at Every Interaction. We tweet most of the articles we read, but we also keep a log of the interesting posts we find in this blog – What we‘re reading.
We also write our own posts where we share news and opinions on topics closer to home. View the Every Interaction blog.
The key lessons I learned creating a popular Design System
The very first version of the Atlassian Design System was about 20 static HTML files that I was hosting on a Mac Pro under my desk. There was no templating in these files, no version control, I had imported the…
Understanding human behaviors in UX Writing
When you’re writing for an app or website, it is important to understand the users’ behavior at any given situation. UX Writers don’t have to be psychologists but they should have some level of psychology in order to write more…
The women running for president are breaking the rules of branding
The most diverse field of presidential candidates ever is also pushing the color of campaign branding like never before.
The Keys to a Great Rebrand
Changing your corporate image can be risky. The brains behind the rebrands of Chobani and Spotify share their secrets to success.
How to win friends and influence gym attendance — A UX case study
Have you ever been going to the same place for months and still don’t know anyone there? A gym is a perfect example — you get in, quickly glance at a few interesting folks, then proceed to your sweaty business burning those…
Emulation Is Not a Product Strategy
YouTube built their strategy around what everyone else was doing, and now they are coming to grips with a truth that is all too frequently ignored: Emulation is not a product strategy.
The Delicate Art of Interviewing Stakeholders
If interviewing a user is journalism, then interviewing a stakeholder is going on a first date. You’re earnest about learning something from this person, but you also want to learn about this person.
The Importance Of Macro And Micro-Moment Design
When you design the information architecture, the navigation bars of an application, or the overall layout and visual design of a product, then you are focusing on macro design. When you design (one part of a page, one form, or…
Component Design Guidelines
Design guidelines begin as a writing exercise, even if eventually they aren’t just words (more on that later). Well written words matter. With a predictable structure organizing advice, any reader — especially designers — can make better choices when using a component.