Contents1 Words to Avoid in Writing: Unknown Terms and Jargon2 Long Paragraphs With Plenty of Details3 Complex Tense Forms for Describing the Action4 Using “You”/”Your” With “Me”/”My”5 Words Instead of Numbers6 Declaring “We”7 Uppercase Text8 Using Absolute Forms9 Exclamations10 Gender…
What we’re reading
To help us remain up to date on goings on in the digital design and technology industry we read A LOT here at Every Interaction. We tweet most of the articles we read, but we also keep a log of the interesting posts we find in this blog – What we‘re reading.
We also write our own posts where we share news and opinions on topics closer to home. View the Every Interaction blog.
Does Anyone Use Social Sharing Buttons on Mobile?
Visit a lot of websites, and you’ll see precious screen space dedicated to social sharing buttons on mobile websites, imploring users to share the content on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or other social networks. At first, this seems like a good…
Why optimising images for your website is important
When it comes to displaying images on the web, there’s a tight line to walk. Make them too large or too high-resolution, and your website will slow to a crawl. Make them too small or too low-resolution, and you may…
How to utilise animation to enhance user experiences
Useful is better than delightful.Before I start, a little bit of context. In the beginning of 2015 I gave a presentation where I framed animation as an essential discipline to design a good user experience, I talked about the 12…
Best Practices for Qualitative User Research
No matter how big or small your user research project is, if you are going to do user research, you want to make sure that you are doing it right. You don’t want to waste your time doing research that…
6 Characteristics of a Successful Designer
New graphic designers often worry about their tangible skills. Am I a master of the pen tool? Am I adept enough at HTML & CSS to offer my services? Can I design a print piece to print specifications? Rightfully so,…
Good onboarding is essential – comparing the big-5 messaging apps
Mobile messaging apps are going to dominate the web. They’re already bigger than social networks, and the falling prices of mobile devices and mobile data means their growth isn’t going to slow down anytime soon. Source: Business Insider The leading…
How understanding the Customer Experience can make you a better UX Designer
Today you are going to learn something different about User Experience.Why?Learning something new about UX was a great experience for my personal growth. I was working on many projects, with different businesses and I often found myself having to go…
How to perform AB Testing and get results
Today, I’ll talk about my experience by using AB testing to increase digital innovations.In this day and age, everything is becoming more digital, and data and speed are becoming more important than ever. Business leaders and IT professionals alike must…
Useful online colour tools for Designers
Color is one of the most powerful tools in the designer’s toolkit. At the same time, color is a tricky concept to master — with an infinite number of possible color combinations out there, it can be hard to decide what colors…