For product teams, empathy building activities such as observing research or doing customer support is often not considered “real work”. Assumptions are the kryptonite of product teams. However, product teams that consistently keep customer needs in mind are able to…
What we’re reading
To help us remain up to date on goings on in the digital design and technology industry we read A LOT here at Every Interaction. We tweet most of the articles we read, but we also keep a log of the interesting posts we find in this blog – What we‘re reading.
We also write our own posts where we share news and opinions on topics closer to home. View the Every Interaction blog.
The Benefits of Creating a Design System
Styleguides have been around for years and have always been important to the visual identity of a company, but the rebrand of the term has given a new dimension to the whole concept. In the olden days, a UI designer would…
What google autocomplete says about UX Design
Google Search’s autocomplete functionality can tell us a lot about the zeitgeist around a certain topic. The suggestions it offers when you start typing your search query are based on what other people have been searching for — and the more you…
How to create and use personas as part of a UX process
Personas provide meaningful archetypes which you can use to assess your design development against. Constructing personas will help you ask the right questions and answer those questions in line with the users you are designing for. For example, “How would…
Integrating Animation into a Design System
Keeping animation choreography cohesive from the outset of a project can be challenging, especially for small companies. Without a dedicated motion specialist on the team, it can be difficult to prioritize guidelines and patterns early in the design process. What’s…
How to design a great UX for a signup form
How many people like filling out forms? I think, not many. It’s not what users want from the service — they just want to buy tickets, chat with friends and so forth. And signing up is somehow a unavoidable evil they have…
A Minimum Viable Product Is Not a Product, It’s a Process
“You know that old saw about a plane flying from California to Hawaii being off course 99% of the time—but constantly correcting? The same is true of successful startups—except they may start out heading toward Alaska.” —-Evan Williams It’s the…
Paper Prototyping: The 10-Minute Practical Guide
In the high tech world of digital design, sometimes the best method is still pen and paper. To this day, paper prototypes continue to be not only viable, but also widely used. In this article we’ll talk about when to use them, why…
How to handle changes in your UI without causing user backlash
Sometimes, revamping a website’s or a mobile app’s interface causes users to freak out. People may get disappointed with a new color scheme, the positioning of elements, or anything similar. Obviously, such a reaction isn’t what you’re expecting from your…
The myth of “above the fold”
What is the fold? A long time ago, “above the fold” was a term coined to describe the content that appeared above the newspaper fold, in the prime spot. This concept was adapted for web design, and the “above the…