Making a list of quick wins isn’t hard, but making sure that what you’re building is worth the effort can be trickier. Not every opportunity will have the kind of impact we saw above, and that’s what Tiny Wins are…
What we’re reading
To help us remain up to date on goings on in the digital design and technology industry we read A LOT here at Every Interaction. We tweet most of the articles we read, but we also keep a log of the interesting posts we find in this blog – What we‘re reading.
We also write our own posts where we share news and opinions on topics closer to home. View the Every Interaction blog.
How to build a better product with UX writing
The more I read about interfaces and copy, the more I see people claiming that interfaces must be user-oriented, and it’s time we changed our approach to designing digital products. Both statements are correct; however, only a few have a clue what…
The Hidden Costs of Complexity: Three Things That Will Kill Your Product
“How much functionality will this include?” and “How many features will our budget buy us?” are two the most common questions we’re asked at the start of any product development project.But while it’s important to get value for money, it’s the cost of…
Sculpting Software Animation
Designing animation is sculpting time. Timing is critical. If you don’t consider animation timing, you’re not designing animation.Animation is visual music. Skilled animators employ rhythm, timing, tempo, composition, texture and dynamics.
6 Animation Guidelines for UX Design
Useful is better than delightful.Before I start, a little bit of context. In the beginning of 2015 I gave a presentation where I framed animation as an essential discipline to design a good user experience, I talked about the 12…
How to do a UX Review: The Definitive Guide.
What is a UX Review? A UX review is where an experienced UX practitioner takes data, insights, and business metrics and asses the quality user experience of a website or app and makes recommendations based on evidence to make improvements….
Dropdown alternatives for better (mobile) forms
Using dropdown menus in forms might seem a no-brainer: they don’t take much space on the UI, they automatically validate the input, all browsers and platforms support them, they’re easy and cheap to implement, and the users know them well enough….
What is Product Design?
Chances are, if you are reading this, you work in the tech industry. Chances are, you are currently, have recently, or aspire to be involved in the creation of a modern digital product. This article aims to give you a…
How storyboarding can be useful in the UX Design process
To come up with a proper design, UX designers use a lot of different research techniques, such as contextual inquires, interviews and workshops. They summarize research findings into user stories and user flows and communicate their thinking and solutions to…
How prototyping can help your startup idea get funding
Every entrepreneur is looking for the secret to success. They read about how others managed to achieve great things, pouring over every detail to look for hacks they could incorporate into their own strategy, as well as what didn’t work so they know…