Uniqlo IQ is mostly about style inspiration. Instead of shoppers aimlessly browsing through categories and product pages themselves, the app offers a variety of ways for users to search and discover new products.
What we’re reading
To help us remain up to date on goings on in the digital design and technology industry we read A LOT here at Every Interaction. We tweet most of the articles we read, but we also keep a log of the interesting posts we find in this blog – What we‘re reading.
We also write our own posts where we share news and opinions on topics closer to home. View the Every Interaction blog.
Re-Defining the Role of the Modern CMO
By 2025, the role and responsibilities of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) will probably look very different from how they do today, thanks to a series of technological, cultural, and social trends already unfolding in today’s business climate.
The Power of One Paying Customer And Four Places to Find Them
It can be expensive and demoralising to sell to a large audience group. And selling to everyone often leads to confusion. You end up constantly changing what you’re doing, yet pleasing no-one.We think the secret (as with all things product)…
How fonts help you rebrand for the future
Modern rebranding initiatives are about more than just updating a brand’s look and feel. Companies today must adapt to rapid shifts in technology and customer expectations, which requires fundamental changes to the way they interact with their customers.
Designing for accessibility is not that hard
There’s a myth that making a website accessible is difficult and expensive, but it doesn’t have to. Designing a product from scratch that meets the requirements for accessibility doesn’t add extra features or content; therefore there shouldn’t be additional cost…
The perfect marriage of designer & client
Your client isn’t the boss, and neither are you. It’s a symbiotic partnership that leads to the most successful projects. But does your client know their role?
Designing Google Maps for Motorbikes
When our Google Maps research team began traveling to India and Indonesia, we wanted to understand the changing needs of people living in rapidly growing global communities. We took a closer look at Delhi and Jakarta, two of the most…
Design Leadership from Joel Califa
Joel shares with us his approach to building and empowering teams from his time at DigitalOcean (an excellent hosting platform). Part Project Management and HR, there’s some helpful direction here for everyone.
Web Typography by Richard Rutter
This book is a practical guide and companion reference to all aspects of typography on the web. It deftly combines implementation details with typographic theory, and is ideal for designers, developers and anyone else involved in the process of creating…
The Dark Corners of Your UI
But these dark corners of your interface, while they may not kill your software outright or directly impact your key health metrics, have the ability to gently erode the trust your users place in you. Would I believe Etsy is…